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Added Mar 11, 2021
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the stem program prepares students in two different ways one of them within the academic component of it and the other one within the soft skills that are needed for these careers within the academic and and some form for us to really stress the theory behind the field with in engineering Automotive it's very important for the students to have a deep understanding of the concepts that are being covered in terms of soft skills these Pro offer students the opportunity to really practice on social skills communication collaboration teamwork and most importantly for them to be able to network and have a sense of Pride for the work in the product complete easy to enjoy what they're learning because it's super hands on everything is project-based so you're being taught then you're actually asked to put it into play out of not just the hard skills which you know where the engineering aspects to build a design the program have to learn a lot of a soft skills as well too and being able to be a well-rounded student and able to communicate what they're building so that's really a huge factor for these kids is not only did they learn how to functionally build it they can explain it I enjoy the programming just the entire competitive Spirit about the class the elective everything is great about it we get to build robots I get the code I make it to driving around and have fun is being part of the family it's a family that has your back and they never let you down I was shocked that I seen big corporations UPS I think some of them over there and their recruiting kids straight from high-school cuz they see the potential they see the skills that these kids already have from 6th grade through 12th grade I mean six years of skill building experience building out of no school Google at a high school level by the time it into the workforce they have these basic skill sets of some of these adults still don't have as part of some of our pathways example Sports Medicine pathway the students have an opportunity to earn up to 6 college credit one of our major goals here is that if they can take a blood pressure a pulse a pulse oximeter if they can do a knee exam in this setting they can do it in any setting from the very beginning classes they're taught from the scratch from very basic levels how to make the most basic things but we Advanced a creek really quickly and we never put a cap on what the students are allowed to do or able to do we encourage them to be self-guided Learners we encourage them through open an assignment to create things beyond what we even show them in the classroom a lot of kids love that the students are able to work on all of their projects at home they get the entire Adobe suite provided to them every student who's in one of the Digital Arts Pathways the photo pathway the video pathway they get a home licensed at the district provides for them and so is their able to work Beyond with a classroom time limits would be to create more elaborate projects and continue their own learning off by themselves at home I've taken the architecture and design course as well Commercial Art now known as Digital Arts as well as a PCT course A lot of these classes lead you to more or less think critically that I feel it kind of build my mentality towards it and it allows me to solve problems that may be helping me in the future the best programs in San Gabriel Valley and I always tell people out of best programs in the state and what we want people to do is come and see it let me see it for yourself after I kiss you don't have to take my word for it ask our kids and looking out there and it reflects that we have awesome programs here the kids believe in it I teachers believe in and I District shows that support
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