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BPUSD Communications

Baldwin Park USD aims to establish clear communications with the community, parents, and staff ensuring accurate information is shared in an efficient and engaging manner. Throughout the year, BPUSD will actively inform and update the community regarding student recognitions, news, awards, events, programs, enrollment, and other District-related activities.
Baldwin Park USD’s Communications operates under the guidance of the Superintendent and is led by Public Information Officer Erika Sanchez.
Stay connected to the latest BPUSD news and announcements by checking out our District website news and following our official Instagram and Facebook accounts. Parents and staff, please sign up for ParentSquare alerts to recieve timely notifications.
News Stories & Photo Submissions
Parents, staff, and community members are welcome to submit “highlights” such as ideas for news stories, photos, announcements, or comments about BPUSD’s achievements using the form below.
*To report a safety concern, please submit a tip using our SPEAKUP Tipline.

Submit a Highlight

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