Citizens' Advisory and Oversight Committee
An Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for the implementation of the District’s Measure K and Measure AE school facilities bond program was established. Due to the passage of Measure K on November 7, 2006, and Measure AE on November 6, 2018, Proposition 39 required that the District establish a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to monitor project expenditures utilizing bond funds.
An Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for the implementation of the District’s Measure K and Measure AE school facilities bond program was established. Due to the passage of Measure K on November 7, 2006, and Measure AE on November 6, 2018, Proposition 39 required that the District establish a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to monitor project expenditures utilizing bond funds.
An Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for the implementation of the District’s Measure K and Measure AE school facilities bond program was established. Due to the passage of Measure K on November 7, 2006, and Measure AE on November 6, 2018, Proposition 39 required that the District establish a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to monitor project expenditures utilizing bond funds.
An Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for the implementation of the District’s Measure K and Measure AE school facilities bond program was established. Due to the passage of Measure K on November 7, 2006 and Measure AE on November 6, 2018, Proposition 39 required that the District establish a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to monitor project expenditures utilizing bond funds.
Due to the Current COVID-19 Pandemic, the Board of Education will hold its meetings remotely using online streaming. Please click on the following link to join the live stream meeting five minutes before the start of the meeting:
An Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for the implementation of the District’s Measure K and Measure AE school facilities bond program was established. Due to the passage of Measure K on November 7, 2006 and Measure AE on November 6, 2018, Proposition 39 required that the District establish a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to monitor project expenditures utilizing bond funds.
Citizens' Advisory Committee - Naming of School Facilities
A Citizens' Advisory Committee was established on March 23, 2017 for the purpose of naming of school facilities. Please click below to view the meeting agendas.
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Citizen's Oversight Committee - Agendas
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Citizens' Oversight Committee - Minutes
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