Baldwin Park Unified School District's

Gifted and Talented Education Program


  • The GATE program seeks to provide GATE students with highly engaging and thought-provoking academic experiences that promote the development of:
  • scholarly behaviors
  • inquiry and research skills
  • critical thinking and creative thinking
  • leadership skills
  • The GATE program works with the parents of our GATE students to provide information and resources that will help them better understand and nurture their GATE child's unique academic, intellectual, and social-emotional needs.
  • The GATE program supports classroom teachers in the equitable identification of GATE students and provides GATE instructional strategies that will promote academic, intellectual, and social-emotional growth for all students.


GATE Student Identification:

 Baldwin Park Unified School District is deeply committed to meeting the needs of our gifted students. 

Students are placed into the GATE program using a thorough, equitable, and thoughtful identification process that considers high academic achievement, intellectual capabilities, creative thinking, and leadership skills. This identification process typically begins during a child's 2nd-grade year. 

 Students who are identified as GATE will then participate in either a pull-out Elementary GATE program, a 6th-grade special pull-out GATE creative writing project, or a highly creative and engaging project-based after-school Middle School GATE program.  The specific details for each GATE program are presented at a GATE parent introduction meeting in September.