De Anza Elementary Holds Interactive Math Festival

De Anza Elementary School recently hosted a vibrant Math Festival that brought together students from transitional kindergarten through fifth grade for a day filled with mathematical games and problem-solving activities. The festival aimed to not only reinforce fundamental math skills, but also to ignite teamwork as fourth fifth graders were tasked to help the younger grades work together during the event.

“We look forward to our Math Festival because it gives students a new way to interact with math outside of a classroom while being able to find it enjoyable,” said De Anza Elementary School Principal Caroline K. Lau.

The festival took place in the school’s main quad area with decorated tables set up into various stations ranging from basic addition flashcards to more complex and engaging games using multiplication and division. Some examples of the games include counting money, puzzles, shape recognition, math tic-tac-toe bean bag toss, ball throw, and other carnival style math games. Staff carefully curated a range of activities suitable for each grade level, ensuring that every student had the opportunity to engage with math concepts according to their skill level. 

In addition, De Anza upheld their positive behavior expectations by giving younger grade levels a chance to interact with other students during their math event, which in turn gives the older students the opportunity to be good role models. Fourth and fifth grade students displayed patience when helping younger students to problem solve, and leadership when taking pride in their responsibility.

The De Anza Elementary Math Festival was a resounding success, proving that math can be both enjoyable and intellectually stimulating.



De Anza Math Fest 1: De Anza students host a game of counting dice.

De Anza Math Fest 2: De Anza student plays a ladybug game using addition.

De Anza Math Fest 3: De Anza students pose for a photo at the subtraction and addition table.


De Anza Math Fest 4: Student participates in money counting game.